Freight and Forwarding

OBS offers a comprehensive supply chain management service and heavy cargo management specializing in assembling and completing a variety of documentation and compliance filings for freight-forwarding. The team understands what is needed to ensure that clients' goods arrive on time and hassle-free.

We provide sea, air, truck, and rail services The two main forms of road transport are Less-than-Truckload (LTL) and Truck Load (TL), Railcar, Intermodal, Domestic and International Air Freight, Ocean and Multimodal, and supports small, medium, and large customers.

Customs Brokerage

OBS is a certified customs broker with a qualified, skilled, committed, and professionalized team of more than 15 years of experience. We know the complication involved in customs processing and procedure for import and export. We can help facilitate transactions to make it smooth for your business.

We offer tailored customs brokerage such as pre-customs clearance procedure as customs permit, customs valuation, bail out permit, advanced ruling, Certificate of Origin (C/O) and special procedure just like Qualified Investment Project, Best Traders, Special Economic Zone, Temporary Admission, Bonded Warehouse, Imported goods through duty Free Shop, Goods under Exemption of Import Duties, Procedure on Exportation of Rice and Agricultural Products, and other procedure as following Postal Goods, Goods or personal effect of passengers, Noncommercial goods, De Minimis, Export and Import of Foreign Currencies/ Bank Notes, Import and Export of Human Corpse, Compromise settlement of Customs Offense, and inter-ministry permit.

We can handle complicated processing of customs clearance and assist customers to successfully apply for Certificate of Origin Verification (C/O) in order to take advantage of preferences and tax incentives.

Trucking and cargo transportation

OBS has a long experience in transportation, and we ensure that our transport service is professional and follows the standard.

We ensure that customer’s cargo is secure and arrive on time. OBS is fluent at facilitating the movement of precious cargo through land, sea, rail and air, as well as managing the risks and benefits of shipping both inbound and outbound using the latest advances in information technology to keep the cargo safe.